Brighton – Here We Are

We’re here, finally, having done one of the hardest flys ever including an emergency stop-over in Crawley after battling gale force winds down the M23.  Nightmare and totally knackering. Then, pretty much soon as we get to Brighton, it turns into the Arctic fucking Tundra. Kid you not. WTF? Nearly April and it’s chucking down freezing snow. This time last year we were boiling our arses off.

Not on. Ended up spending our first night here. It’s a refuge for homeless pigeons:

Couldn’t be arsed to go hunting for a dream ledge in this weather.

It’s actually turned out to be be quite a laugh in the end. We even managed a bit of a sing along yesterday to keep warm. Genius, until one of them suggested the soundtrack from Mama Mia.

We’re thinking we might stay here for a bit, or at least till the weather get’s better. The others don’t seem to mind and there’s plenty of room. In fact, it turns out one of them called Tony has been staying here for two and a half years.

This is Tony (right) on the window ledge:

Said he’d flown away from Worthing one day because he was bored, and landed in Brighton. He’d planned to settle on a nice ledge but ended up here and just stayed on. He was reluctant to say why, so I didn’t push it.

“We look out for eachother and help to keep the place clean.” He said. “It’s more of a commune than a refuge.” Nice one, and definitely the place to be for now.

Come on Spring. Get your shit together.

March 25, 2013. Uncategorized. 5 comments.

Brighton Here We Come

It’s decided. We’re moving to Brighton. If these Arctic conditions continue, at least we’ll be freezing our arses off by the sea. Mart’s bang up for it. London in this weather is just depressing.

This was us yesterday near Marble Arch:

So cold we couldn’t even be bothered to speak, and then it rained. It rained all bloody day. Miserable.

Not sure where we’re going to end up yet. Possibly the Marina. Got taken there the other day. Not only is there a massive MacDonalds, it’s got a car park and a drive through which means people drive through, eat in the car park and then chuck what’s left out of the window. Genius. Burger throwaway everywhere, and some of it was still warm.

This is one of our new pals, Clive. It was Clive who told us about it:

Get in there Clive.

Even met a half decent sea gull called Boris (in the middle).

I think Brighton is going to rock and, who knows, maybe I’ll try out a few dates? I’ll definitely be checking out the stand-up scene. Whatever occurs, it’s going to be a damn sight better than sitting on a wall near Marble Arch in the pissing rain.

If anyone can recommend any decent available ledges, let me know.

March 18, 2013. Uncategorized. 18 comments.