Spam I Like

Keep getting spammed – fucking funny:

"Hello Brian

This is the UPS Group Company.
To expand our business we need new employees.
We offer the following vacancies
Correspondence Assistants
Finance Manager
Statistics Compiler
And more!!!"

Fucks sake. Hilarious. Reckon I should go for it. Pitch up – maybe drag a few mates along?

"Yes, I realise I'm a pigeon – but I'm looking for a fresh challenge and the area of Correspondence Assisting interests me greatly…".

Presume that just means sticking stamps on envelopes? Maybe I can suggest expanding the role, cutting out the middle man, and hiring me as a courier pigeon? Prob be loads quicker.

Shit – then again – maybe not. Never fancied myself as a nine to five kinda bird.

June 21, 2006. Uncategorized.


  1. gaminghobo replied:

    Surely delivering stuff is like in the blood for you guys? You could corner the market.

  2. pigeonblog replied:

    gaminghobo: Too right! I reckon, from what I hear, we’d be a damn site more efficient than just sticking mail in red boxes and hoping for the best.
    Your pal Bri P

  3. Elf Mandinio replied:

    Correspondance Assistant?! Wow, Trev has just got a new job title! Maybe now he’ll stop galavanting here, there and everywhere

  4. Mike replied:

    ahhh…jobs like that are for the birds!

  5. pigeonblog replied:

    Elf Mandinio: Cool. Tell him he may have to wear a stupid hat tho.
    You pal Bri

    Mike: Quite. Mind you, could always go for the Finance Manager just to see what they said?
    Your pal Bri P

  6. Capri replied:

    I get lots from African and Middle Eastern countries saying I either won the lottery or some rich guy wants to leave me money. 😈

  7. pigeonblog replied:

    Capri: I get those ones too… also got one the other day about a pill that can make me have lots of sex. Don’t understand that one at all!
    Your pal Bri

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