A Pigeon That Looks Like…

Susan Boyle. Uncanny.

March 29, 2012. A Pigeon That Looks Like..., Uncategorized.


  1. Animalcouriers replied:

    ha ha ha! But can she sing like her?

  2. Virginia Gal replied:

    Did you talk to her?

  3. Yve replied:

    PSML….love this blog, just the thing to end the week…rolffffffff

  4. She Loves...Pigeon Blog | She Loves London replied:

    […] about the exploits of Daring Dave, chuckled at the striking resemblance of pigeons that look like Susan Boyle, and marvelled at Fat Eddie’s pasty […]

  5. Catrice Ungerecht replied:

    Like each and every heroine on a fairytale, Susan is yet to reveal her secret magic weapon, the only weapon she can rely on, her magical golden voice. The heroine opens her mouth and came out a magical voice so true that bring those scornful eyes into tears and humbled all the cynical who heard. It was clearly a triumph for an underdog who makes it against all odds. In her triumphs many individual dreams are getting realized and several will likely be much more willing to follow her lead.`

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