A Sunny Richmond Lovely

Spotted this rather lovely thing down on Richmond beach the other day.

Fucking gorgeous.

The one in the middle in white. Annabel’s her name:

Every pigeon there that day wanted a bit, but she was having none of it. Check out Kevin on the right. Desperate he was. Didn’t even get a glance.

I tried walking past her a few times:


Had to sit down after this was taken. Think I’d pulled a small chest muscle holding my stomach in.

It wasn’t until afterwards that Mart pointed out the goose behind staring at me.

He was doing it all day, apparently. Eyeing up the pigeons, dribbling a bit.

Fucking freak.

June 4, 2011. Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. eddie replied:

    Very nice blog,lots of content. I just started writing one . I’m taking daily photos of my squabs to document growth for 30 days maybe longer if I can.

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